Thursday, 4 September 2008

New Album!

It's finally here, the 2nd Grape Digging Sharon Fruits full album "It's Way Past Your Bedtime". We've been recording songs on and off since 2005 and decided that we have enough for another album. If you've been keeping up to date with the Diggers then you may recognise a good few of these tracks, but there should definitely be a few surprises in store.

  1. Foliage
  2. Man-Made Reservoir
  3. Absynth Treacle Party
  4. Cock-A-Knee John
  5. Instrumental
  6. Lemonade Man
  7. Freight Train
  8. Boxing Day
  9. Smiling Pete
  10. Traveling Mind
  11. Shouting At Cars
  12. Story Tape
  13. Taxeby Morris
  14. Agents Of Despair
Of course it's free of charge and available from 3 professional downloading locations. If you still feel guilty about downloading intentionally free music then you can help us by forcing our music on to as many people as you can (like the radio does) or just by telling everyone you know to come here download it. The main players on this album are: David Firth, Christian Pickup, Paul Mackenzie and Callum Whitely with notable contributions from Jimi Hollis, Adam France, Finbar Mallon and Warren. It was all recorded in bedrooms, when we felt like it for a budget of nothing and at no point did it ever seem like hard work.

Download by following one of the following links:


Cbutters said...

Great Job Guys,
Been a fan of your projects for a long while now. Tracks are surprisingly good. Thanks.

Tom Youel said...

I really like this album, terrific songs. Foliage, Travelling Mind and Agents Of Despair are great tracks. Well done lads

Sebastian said...

Pure awesomeness! Thanks!

levi said...

Fan of Mr. Firth's cartoon ssite
Thought I would give this a listen
It's brilliant
You guys could definitely get a record label and start charging for these
In the US at least...

Luke Gill said...


If I had money I would send Mr. Firth hundreds of dollars for years of entertainment.

But I don't. So, here's my IOU for $500. (Canadian dollars, too. Sorry again.)

MXrockit said...

Well done. Very rarely can I listen to an album for the first time and love it, but you managed. Keep up the good work!

Jack Hawkins said...

I downloaded the album quite a while back. It's very good. The only thing that bugs me is when 'scrobbling' on the album art just says "artwork coming soon" and has done for quite some time- is this the official album artwork? or are you planning on changing it?

Anonymous said...

Great album, looking forward to the next one.